Clean Team
Ready to give directions, answer questions or provide assistance the Downtown Winston-Salem Clean Team Ambassadors are Winston-Salem’s Downtown cleanliness, safety and hospitality team. The Ambassadors are an extra set of eyes and ears on the street and work closely with the Downtown Bike Patrol and the city to improve Downtown Winston-Salem.
They are here to help! If you have a questions, stop one and ask a question. If you need to submit a work order, you can call (336) 341-3398 or Submit Online!
(336) 341-3398
During Clean Team operating hours (daily from 6:00 am to 2:30 pm), calls to the Clean Team Hotline will be forward directly to the Clean Team Manager on duty. If a request is the City of Winston-Salem’s responsibility, the Ambassador will submit the work order through CityLink, the City of Winston-Salem’s one call center. If the service request or call comes in after Clean Team operating hours, it will be responded to the first thing the next day.
For any emergencies, please call 9-1-1.
The Clean Team Ambassadors are easily identified in their bright orange polo shirts as they walk throughout Downtown Winston-Salem. The Downtown Clean Team Ambassadors began operations on September 22, 2014. The DWSP has contracted with The Budd Group, a local integrated facilities services company, to provide Clean Team services seven days a week, primarily between 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (Subject to Change) These services will not replace already existing services provided by the City of Winston-Salem.
The Clean Team Ambassadors provides the following services:
- Remove litter.
- Report maintenance and property damage issues.
- Pressure wash and spot clean sidewalks.
- Clean and straighten public fixtures, including trash cans, public phones, newspaper racks, utility poles, traffic control boxes, and benches.
- Remove graffiti.
- Observe and report code enforcement problems that should be maintained by the City of Winston-Salem such as broken street lights, damaged property, trash cans that need repaired, etc.
- Assist with downtown information to visitors.
- Will keep a watchful eye and observe and Report criminal activity to the Winston-Salem Police Department (Are equipped with cell phones for immediate contact)
- During inclement weather, will clear a 5-foot wide section of sidewalks and spread “ice melt” material.
- Provide directional assistance.
- Install and maintain flower baskets.
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