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Downtown is home to hundreds of commercial businesses, dining and retail establishments, and residences; convenient and affordable parking options are never far away.

There are five parking decks and nine parking lots throughout downtown. Additionally, the on-street parking program maintains more than 800 metered spaces. In total, the off-street parking program facilities provide about 6,000 off-street parking spaces. For more information contact The Department of Transportation at (336) 727-2707 or click on the Parking Guide button below to download the Downtown Winston-Salem Parking Guide

Parking Guide



Park & Stroll


The “Park & Stroll” Parking Program (formerly Park & Shop) promotes shopping and commerce in the  downtown area by selling discount stamps for lower hourly parking rates.The City’s public parking decks honor these Parking Program stamps.

Books of stamps can be purchased at the DWSP office at 515 N. Cherry Street.  For more information, contact DWSP Staff.  A book of stamps can be purchased for $64.

City Parking Decks that accept Parking Program Stamps:


4th/Church Deck

Open 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday – Friday
455 North Church Street, between Fourth and Fifth streets
hourly and monthly parking

6th/Cherry Deck

Open 6:30 a.m. – 11 p.m., Monday – Friday
Weekend hours vary depending on Convention Center Schedule
519 North Cherry Street, at corner of Cherry and Sixth, enter either street (Cherry is one-way north)
hourly and monthly parking

On-Street Parking

On-street parking is available for short-term parking. There are 800 metered on-street spaces, plus loading zones and un-metered on-street spaces. Metered parking time limits range from 30 minutes to ten hours. Most meters allow one- to two-hour parking. Meters accept only quarters. There have also been several pay stations that have been installed which take Credit Card payments.

Valet Parking

Valet Parking is available at the following locations (updated 8/15/23)

  1. 529 N. Trade Street, Tuesday – Saturday, 5pm until last vehicle returns
  2. 450 N. Patterson Avenue, Thursday – Saturday, 5pm until last vehicle returns
  3. 633 N. Liberty, Thursday – Saturday, 5pm until last vehicle returns

Valet Parking is operated by a private company, Prime Parking, which can be reached via email at




The City DOT is responsible for the enforcement of parking regulations in the downtown area. Parking fines vary, depending on the type of violation:

  • Time violations: $15
  • “No Parking” space: $30
  • “Loading Zone” violations: $30

Wheel-Lock Procedures If a vehicle owner has three unpaid parking tickets each over 90 days old, and is found to be parked illegally, the vehicle will be wheel-locked. To have a wheel-lock removed, the owner of the vehicle must pay all outstanding fines and wheel-lock fees at the Revenue Office.

Contact the City DOT office at (336) 727-2707 with any parking enforcement questions.


Mass Transit

Downtown Winston-Salem serves as a “hub” to various modes of transportation, including vehicular, bus, bike and pedestrian.

The Clark Campbell Transportation Center is located at 100 W. Fifth Street and serves as the center of operations for the Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA).  The Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) also operates several commuter buses out of the Transportation Center.

Click here to view the WSTA website and City of W-S bus schedules.

Click here to view the PART website and commuter bus schedules. PART is also an important agency in the long term regional and mass transit planning process.




Bicycles are another viable mode of transportation for many citizens of Winston-Salem and downtown is a key destination for daily bike commuters. Click here to view the City’s efforts on making downtown and the city at large more bike friendly.