Under construction
Partner With DWSP
The Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership is active member organizations with businesses and organizations who want to support and participate in initiatives, projects, and advocacy to improve Downtown Winston-Salem in many different ways. Business members are welcome to participate in on-going committee work, access the DWSP mailing list of members, utilize staff to conduct downtown related research, and participate in several member related functions.
Clean Team
The Clean Team Ambassadors are the downtown cleanliness, safety, and hospitality team and are easily identified in their bright orange polo shirts. We encourage you to ask our Clean Team for assistance during your time in downtown Winston-Salem.
We have a comprehensive, ambitious, and innovative plan for downtown Winston-Salem. It’s a plan that expands on the recommendations of Legacy, the New Century Plan by considering all the adjacent areas that complement the downtown core and by defining a realistic process for implementation.
Under construction
Total employees
Hotel rooms
Restaurants & coffee shops
Galleries & shops
Bars & night clubs
Office square feet
1 mi radius from center of downtown
2 mi radius from center of downtown